The O’Neill Foundation of Hope​

The O’Neill Brothers, Tim and Ryan O’Neill, Minnesota’s nationally known piano-playing duo, recently launched a new nonprofit, The O’Neill Foundation of Hope, to bring hope and support to anyone in need.

Information about The O’Neill Foundation of Hope;

  • The foundation provides recipients with two important things: 1) the financial resources to help them during a challenging time and 2), A sense of hope –hope in themselves and in a brighter future ahead through the care and love they feel from our community and those around them.
  • The O’Neill’s and their families wanted to find a meaningful way to give back to people in Minnesota and beyond who may be going through a difficult time and are in need. 
  • The O’Neill Foundation of Hope brings together people and organizations from across the country to create something larger than the sum of its parts — and to deliver hope to those who need it most. 
  • The foundation’s goal is to let people going through hard times know that there’s someone out there who cares about them. 
  • To raise awareness and funds for the foundation, The O’Neill Brothers will be performing together for the first time in 12 years, joining together once again for two nights of music and celebration at the Ives Auditorium at the Masonic Heritage Center in Bloomington, MN on December 16-17. Each night will also include performances by a collection of local musicians. Ticket proceeds will benefit the foundation.

The O’Neill Foundation of Hope is a private 501c3 foundation. For more information, visit