Are you looking for perfect background instrumental music for your project?
Top 5 reasons to license the O'Neill Brothers' Music:
1) Over 5000 songs to choose from. Listen to samples on Amazon or
2) We own the arrangements of these songs so we can offer fast & affordable licenses.
3) Bonus: play the music on your website for free.
4) This music has been used by TV and movie studios across the world.
5) This is instrumental music with emotion...perfect for setting the background to your project!
If you are interested in more information about licensing some of the O'Neill Brothers' music,
call or email Meg Seymour at 952.758.9300 or
If you are interested in more information about licensing some
of the O'Neill Brothers' music,
Please fill out this short form.
Have a question? Call or email Meg Seymour: 952-758-9300 or
Testimonials from other Videographers:
"I have been using licensed music in my video business since starting it in 1988, and I would have to say that the music by the O'Neill Brothers has, by far, been my client's favorite.
Most of the licensed music I use is generic in nature, but the music by the O'Neill brother incorporates familiar songs that my clients love. I simply give them a list of songs to choose from, and once they hear samples, they tell me the biggest problem is know which ones to choose because the love them all! I highly recommend the music by Tim and Ryan O'Neill to any videographer that wants his videos to be memorable because of the music used."
Alan Naumann, MemoryVision.TV
"We wanted to create a video tribute to our beloved mother/mother-in-law/grandmother/aunt Betty, both to show at her memorial service and to give to family members as a gift. After such a full life and with such a huge group of family and friends, it was a challenge to limit our photos to 100. Once those were selected, the next question was which songs to use to accompany the video. Our first thought was to use actual recordings of her favorite songs. Alan Naumann suggested we consider using the music of the O'Neill Brothers instead of these recordings. Skeptical at first, we investigated that option. There were hundreds of selections from which to choose, and we came up with 6 songs that were, in a word, perfect. The music was an amazing background to our photos, but it never overtook the pictures themselves. Uplifting, poignant, personal, beautiful - it was just amazing. After the service, many, many people told us that they had never seen such an incredible video, and the music was an enormous part of that. We have a lasting, timeless memory of our dear Betty."
Tim and Val Doherty